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Kabinettimme, our private room
reilua ja herkullista ruokaa, delicious food
makean nälkään, for the sweeth tooth
upeita viinejä, great wines
talon omat panimotuotteet, house beers brewed onsite
salin ainutlaatuinen tunnelma, unique atmosphere
suojaisa terassimme, our sheltered terrace
sisääntulomme heti lauttarannassa, our entrance right beside the main dock
UNESCON maailmanperintökohde, UNESCO'S World Heritage Site

About Us

Restaurant Suomenlinnan Panimo - Brewery of Suomenlinna is located just a 15 minutes ferry trip away from Helsinki's Market Place. Just beside the main dock of Suomenlinna. This jetty barrack was builded on Suomenlinna's russian era 1868-1870 for Czars army. Beer and brewing culture has always been very close issue to Suomenlinna, some say that Finnish beer culture actually started within constructing the fortress on Swedish era.

Today we are happy to continue this tradition with our handcrafted beers and delicious food. On our menu you can still find influence of Russian and Swedish history but above all are our fresh, finnish ingredients.

Restaurant and summer terrace are at your service, come and enjoy!

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